Living Room
Bedroom / Office
Master Bedroom
Master Bath
Backup Generator
RO System
Cooling & Heating
Back Yard

The home is full of goodies. Some may be what you are looking for, while others not so much. There are not a lot of fancy upgrades as all that does is make the house look fancier. This house is all about being useful, practical and efficient. And that is what makes this house stand out from the rest of the crowd.
Certain amenities such as the back yard kitchen and solar, which are fixed and thus part of the house. Those of which are not fixed are thus optional. So, as you tour the house and see it many features, you can think about what will best work for you.
This is a 3 bedroom house with 2 baths. I have taken the street facing bedroom (see Floor Plan) and converted it into an office and cat play room. This is where I do my work and they, cat(s), enjoy their daily, all day cat naps all while keeping me company. Atop their private window sill, watching the birds, corner loft or the desk this is their cat-nap room. There are walkways, a floor to ceiling cat tree and lots of high places to rest. Check out the Cat Playroom for more details.
I currently have one (1) cat that I adopted from PACC. He is a Special Needs cat in that he lost one of his eyes, his name is Jack-A-Licious. Jack for One-Eyed Jack.
At the original development of this site, I had two cats who have moved on to higher places. However, Jack became a big challenge for me as in the past, as I allowed the cats in/out of the house via a cat door, and thus the neighborhood. However, I could not allow this for Jack because of his misfortune. So, I have cat-proofed the back yard to keep Jack within. Sadly it may look like a prison yard, but it does the job and that was most important it keeps him safe. This added safety provision can easily be removed. However, if you are a cat owner, and would like to give your cat the freedom of being able to go outdoors (to do their thing) and enjoy themselves, then this might be an added bonus. This may sound crazy, but I am allergic to cats, not all cats, just the ones that are kept indoors and full of dander. Giving our cats freedom to the outdoors provides them the means of rolling around and scratching their back while discarding their dander. A win-win for both as they really love their outdoor wonderland.
Aside from the back yard being a safe cat enclosure, it is home to a nice flagstone waterfall, a ‘man-cave‘ patio and a full kitchen. Along with a very large fire pit with adjustable grill, large wood smoker and even a wood fired pizza oven. All of these features can be seen on this site, or in person by scheduling a tour.